Service pricing:
One to one puppy training Oxfordshire:
Prices for puppy training include:-
- comprehensive notes
- a range of useful handouts
- remote email support for up to a month after each training session.
There is a nominal charge towards travel of 45p/mile for journeys over 5 miles radius.
- comprehensive notes
- a range of useful handouts
- remote email support for up to a month after each training session.
There is a nominal charge towards travel of 45p/mile for journeys over 5 miles radius.
Puppy preparation visits (90 minutes)
Four hour Puppy Training Starter Course
Six hour Puppy Training Starter Plus Course
Puppy advice sessions on zoom (60 minutes)
Puppy training sessions (60 minutes)
Four hour Puppy Training Starter Course
Six hour Puppy Training Starter Plus Course
Puppy advice sessions on zoom (60 minutes)
Puppy training sessions (60 minutes)
One to one dog training West Oxfordshire:
Prices for dog training include:-
- comprehensive notes;
- a range of useful handouts;
- remote email support for up to a month after each training session.
There is an additional charge towards travel of 45p/mile for journeys over 5 miles radius.
- comprehensive notes;
- a range of useful handouts;
- remote email support for up to a month after each training session.
There is an additional charge towards travel of 45p/mile for journeys over 5 miles radius.
Dog training assessment and advice session (90 minutes)
Dog training session (60 minutes)
Four hour Dog Training Program
Six hour Dog Training Plus program
Dog training session (60 minutes)
Four hour Dog Training Program
Six hour Dog Training Plus program
Support with dog behaviour issues Oxfordshire:
Dog Behaviour Support Program
Pricing for this program includes:-
- Dog Behaviour Consultation and Assessment visit (90-120 minutes)
- written assessment;
- dog behavioural strategies;
Dog Behaviour Plan;
- two practical dog behaviour sessions (60 minutes);
- a range of useful handouts;
- vet liaison;
- remote email support for up to a month after each session.
There is an additional charge towards travel of 45p/mile for journeys over 5 miles radius.
Dog Behaviour Support Plus Program
Pricing for this program includes:-
- Dog Behaviour Consultation and Assessment visit (150-180 minutes)
- written assessment;
- dog behavioural strategies;
- practical exercises demonstrated on consultation visit;
- tailored Dog Behaviour Plan;
- two follow up practical dog behaviour sessions (60 minutes/session);
- a range of useful handouts;
- vet liaison;
- remote email support for up to six months following assessment.
There is an additional charge towards travel of 45p/mile for journeys over 5 miles radius.
Additional practical dog behaviour sessions (60 minutes)
Pricing for this program includes:-
- Dog Behaviour Consultation and Assessment visit (90-120 minutes)
- written assessment;
- dog behavioural strategies;
Dog Behaviour Plan;
- two practical dog behaviour sessions (60 minutes);
- a range of useful handouts;
- vet liaison;
- remote email support for up to a month after each session.
There is an additional charge towards travel of 45p/mile for journeys over 5 miles radius.
Dog Behaviour Support Plus Program
Pricing for this program includes:-
- Dog Behaviour Consultation and Assessment visit (150-180 minutes)
- written assessment;
- dog behavioural strategies;
- practical exercises demonstrated on consultation visit;
- tailored Dog Behaviour Plan;
- two follow up practical dog behaviour sessions (60 minutes/session);
- a range of useful handouts;
- vet liaison;
- remote email support for up to six months following assessment.
There is an additional charge towards travel of 45p/mile for journeys over 5 miles radius.
Additional practical dog behaviour sessions (60 minutes)
Help with sensitive dogs - supported walks West Oxfordshire:
Initial dog assessment walk (up to 90 minutes)
Four session package (60 minutes/session)
Further four session package (60 minutes/session)
Pricing for this program includes:-
- practical sessions;
- a range of useful handouts.
There is an additional charge towards travel of 45p/mile for journeys over 5 miles radius.
Four session package (60 minutes/session)
Further four session package (60 minutes/session)
Pricing for this program includes:-
- practical sessions;
- a range of useful handouts.
There is an additional charge towards travel of 45p/mile for journeys over 5 miles radius.
All pricing is as at September 2023 and will be subject to change over time.